Scholar Nexus

Our vision is a modern, efficient, delightful and democratic scholarly publishing system, owned and controlled by scholars.

We are delighted to announce a new initiative to build a non-profit open publishing platform based on these principles:

Common ownership

A non-profit owned and managed by university libraries ensuring it is reliable in the long term, and cannot be sold for profit. Community governance by scholars ensuring that it stays responsive to the needs of different types of researchers across all disciplines.

Free to read and publish

An inclusive system where everyone is welcome regardless of their ability to pay. No research funding wasted on inflated publisher profits.

Open and re-usable content

Designed for the future. Third parties and communities can build their own journals and tools on top of an open database of publications. A flexible, graph-based data format allows for experiments in new types of articles and peer review. All tools will be open source and permissively licensed.

Delightful to use

A design that is focused on user experience so it is a delight to use. Workflows and tools optimized to make writing, reading, editing, and reviewing efficient and enjoyable. Imagine a publishing process that actively helps you rather than being an obstacle.

For more details, see our white papers.

We look forward to sharing more with you soon. If you would be interested in testing the system, volunteering, or would like to get involved in any way, please let us know via our signup form. Or, contact us by email. We would particularly love to hear from university libraries and funders interested in creating open publishing infrastructure.

Read about our partnership with Curvenote.